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Getting Started


Vitify Admin is an opinionated admin starter template.

You can learn more about the rationale behind the project in the Why Vitify Admin section.

Trying Vitify Online

You can try Vitify Admin online on Netlify. Enter any username and password in demo login page to enter the home page.

Project Structure

├── .github               # GitHub Actions workflows
├── .vscode               # settings of VSCode workspace
├── cypress               # E2E spec files
├── dist                  # output folder of production bundle
├── patches               # patches for packages in node_modules
├── public                # pure static assets (directly copied)
├── scripts               # scripts
├── src                   # application code
   ├── api               # API service
   ├── assets            # assets
      ├─ icons          # SVG icons
      ├─ images         # images
      └─ styles         # global Sass/CSS
   ├── components        # components
   ├── composables       # global composables
   ├── layouts           # layout components
   ├── locales           # i18n locale messages
   ├── mocks             # API mocking data
   ├── pages             # pages
   ├── plugins           # third-party plugins
   ├── stores            # pinia stores
   ├── App.vue           # root component
   ├── auto-imports.d.ts # type declaration generated by `unplugin-auto-import`
   ├── components.d.ts   # type declaration for global components
   ├── main.ts           # JavaScript entry point
   ├── route-meta.ts     # type declaration for route meta
   ├── shim.d.ts         # shim missing types in dependencies
   └── vuetify2.d.ts     # type declaration for Vuetify2 components
├── test                  # unit testing setup and helper files
├── .editorconfig         # EditorConfig settings
├── .env                  # environment variables
├── .env.local            # local environment variables
├── .eslintrc.cjs         # ESLint configuration
├── .gitignore            # git intentionally untracked files settings
├── .npmrc                # pnpm/npm/yarn configuration
├── .prettierrc           # Prettier configuration
├── cypress.config.ts     # Cypress configuration
├── env.d.ts              # type declaration for `import.meta.env`
├── index.html            # entry point
├── LICENSE               # license
├── netlify.toml          # Netlify deployment configuration
├── package.json          # project metadata
├── pnpm-lock.yaml        # pnpm lock file
├── postcss.config.ts     # PostCSS configuration
├──             # README file
├──     # TypeScript options for application code
├── tsconfig.cypress.json # TypeScript options for Cypress spec files
├── tsconfig.json         # TypeScript options root file
├── tsconfig.config.json  # TypeScript options for Vite configuration
├── tsconfig.vitest.json  # TypeScript options for Vitest files
└── vite.config.ts        # Vite configuration
├── .github               # GitHub Actions workflows
├── .vscode               # settings of VSCode workspace
├── cypress               # E2E spec files
├── dist                  # output folder of production bundle
├── patches               # patches for packages in node_modules
├── public                # pure static assets (directly copied)
├── scripts               # scripts
├── src                   # application code
   ├── api               # API service
   ├── assets            # assets
      ├─ icons          # SVG icons
      ├─ images         # images
      └─ styles         # global Sass/CSS
   ├── components        # components
   ├── composables       # global composables
   ├── layouts           # layout components
   ├── locales           # i18n locale messages
   ├── mocks             # API mocking data
   ├── pages             # pages
   ├── plugins           # third-party plugins
   ├── stores            # pinia stores
   ├── App.vue           # root component
   ├── auto-imports.d.ts # type declaration generated by `unplugin-auto-import`
   ├── components.d.ts   # type declaration for global components
   ├── main.ts           # JavaScript entry point
   ├── route-meta.ts     # type declaration for route meta
   ├── shim.d.ts         # shim missing types in dependencies
   └── vuetify2.d.ts     # type declaration for Vuetify2 components
├── test                  # unit testing setup and helper files
├── .editorconfig         # EditorConfig settings
├── .env                  # environment variables
├── .env.local            # local environment variables
├── .eslintrc.cjs         # ESLint configuration
├── .gitignore            # git intentionally untracked files settings
├── .npmrc                # pnpm/npm/yarn configuration
├── .prettierrc           # Prettier configuration
├── cypress.config.ts     # Cypress configuration
├── env.d.ts              # type declaration for `import.meta.env`
├── index.html            # entry point
├── LICENSE               # license
├── netlify.toml          # Netlify deployment configuration
├── package.json          # project metadata
├── pnpm-lock.yaml        # pnpm lock file
├── postcss.config.ts     # PostCSS configuration
├──             # README file
├──     # TypeScript options for application code
├── tsconfig.cypress.json # TypeScript options for Cypress spec files
├── tsconfig.json         # TypeScript options root file
├── tsconfig.config.json  # TypeScript options for Vite configuration
├── tsconfig.vitest.json  # TypeScript options for Vitest files
└── vite.config.ts        # Vite configuration

Use Vitify Admin to Start your Project


Vitify Admin requires Node >=v16

GitHub Template

Create a repo from this template on GitHub.

Clone to local

If you prefer to do it manually with the cleaner git history

npx degit kingyue737/vitify-admin my-vitify-app
cd my-vitify-app
pnpm i
npx degit kingyue737/vitify-admin my-vitify-app
cd my-vitify-app
pnpm i

Vitify Admin requires pnpm patch to fix bugs in dependencies before maintainers release them. If you are using yarn, you can use yarn patch. For npm users, patch-package is required as npm has no built-in patching functionality.



Just run and visit localhost:9527

pnpm dev
pnpm dev


To build the App, run

pnpm build
pnpm build

And you will see the generated file in dist that ready to be served.

Type Check

pnpm typecheck
pnpm typecheck


pnpm test:unit
pnpm test:unit

For E2E test, you need to build the project first

pnpm build
pnpm test:e2e
pnpm build
pnpm test:e2e


The repository of documentation is vitify-docs based on VitePress.

There may be some spelling or translation errors in the course of writing this document. It is welcome to point out by issue or PR.

Vitify Admin is also continuing to iterate, include more features and incorporate best practices. Once Vuetify v3.1 is released, I will create a new branch for Vue 3. This project is also very much looking forward to your participation and feedback. Don't hesitate to open a discussion if you have any question.

Released under the MIT License.