Build & Deploy
When projects are completed, you can build your application with the following command:
pnpm build
pnpm build
Chunking Strategy
By default, we include the official splitVendorChunkPlugin
to divide the chunks into index
and vendor
. However, it may not be a good solution for every Vite target use case. You can remove this plugin or customize the strategy according to your own case.
Browser Compatibility
Browser compatibility consists of transpilation and polyfill. By specifying custom targets via the
config options, where the lowest target is es2015
, Vite can handle the transpilation and transform syntax to what can be understand by the target browsers. You can make
auto-generated from your browserslist
config via browserslist-to-esbuild
pnpm add browserslist-to-esbuild -D
pnpm add browserslist-to-esbuild -D
// vite.config.ts
import browserslistToEsbuild from "browserslist-to-esbuild";
export default defineConfig({
build: { target: browserslistToEsbuild() },
/* other settings */
// vite.config.ts
import browserslistToEsbuild from "browserslist-to-esbuild";
export default defineConfig({
build: { target: browserslistToEsbuild() },
/* other settings */
For polyfills, there are two solutions. Vite recommend which is a service that automatically generates polyfill bundles based on the user's browser UserAgent string. However, it may not be a good solution if you are building product for instituts or governments which do not have access to internet, which is common for admin projects.
In Vitify Admin, we support legacy browsers via @vitejs/plugin-legacy
, which will automatically generate legacy chunks and corresponding ES language feature polyfills. The legacy chunks are conditionally loaded only in browsers that do not have native ESM support. PostCSS Preset Env has been integrated in this template to convert modern CSS into something most browsers can understand.
Check Whether Browser is Supported on Client Side
Sometimes we want to test if the user's browser is supported by our application and give a warning if not. vite-plugin-browserslist-useragent
can find if a given user agent match your browserslist query. You can remove this plugin if you don't need check browser client.
GitHub Actions
Vitify Admin has already setuped GitHub Actions for type checking, linting, unit testing and E2E testing in .
Once you push code to main
branch or any pull request is created for main
branch, GitHub will automate the workflows for you.
Cypress Dashboard
The Cypress Dashboard Service is an optional web-based companion to the Cypress app. It provides timely, simple and powerful insights on all your tests run at a glance.
Go to Cypress Dashboard, create a new project and add its projectId
, its record key
in your repositry secrets (
If you don't want to use Cypress Dashboard, remove record: true
and the entire env
block from .github/workflows/ci.yml
- name: Cypress
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v4
install-command: echo
build: pnpm run build
start: pnpm run preview
record: true
command-prefix: '--'
# pass the Dashboard record key as an environment variable
# pass GitHub token to allow accurately detecting a build vs a re-run build
# pass the project ID from the secrets through environment variable
- name: Cypress
uses: cypress-io/github-action@v4
install-command: echo
build: pnpm run build
start: pnpm run preview
record: true
command-prefix: '--'
# pass the Dashboard record key as an environment variable
# pass GitHub token to allow accurately detecting a build vs a re-run build
# pass the project ID from the secrets through environment variable
GitHub actions will still run E2E testing for you, but you can no longer watch the video and screenshots of tests.
The online demo of Vitify Admin is deployed by Netlify. All you need to deploy your own app online is to go to Netlify and select your clone, OK
along the way, and your app will be live in a minute. Deploy config netlify.toml
has already been included in this template.